Tag Archives: nathan fillion

Closet Nerd

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I am proud to be a geek. I am a die hard Harry Potter fan, and I love all things nerdy. My husband is what I would call a closet nerd. Secretly he loves Harry Potter, vampires, Firefly, and the like. I understand that being all macho is a standard for Southern men, well men in general, but I say nerd is the new cool. Just look at recent action movies. In Transformers, who is your lead? Is he a buff, muscles on top of muscles, Arnold Schwartzenegger wannabe? No. It’s Shia Lebeouf. He’s cute, but he is not what action heroes used to be. Spiderman is Tobey Maguire? Granted, Wolverine is built, but look at Hugh Jackman! Yes, he can play the prototypical action movie guy, but he also does Broadway. He sings, dances, and twirls about while hosting awards shows! Being a nerd is cool. Nathan Fillion is king of the nerds, but he is sexy, funny, and generally pretty awesome, too. Embrace your nerdiness! Let that freak flag fly! If you have not yet accepted that closeted side of yourself, let me make a few suggestions to get you on your way. First: watch Firefly, all 14 episodes, then watch Serenity or get in some quality Star Trek hours. Second: read Harry Potter. Yes, all 7 books, it won’t kill you, and you’ll appreciate the accomplishment or rent/buy the original Star Wars and watch in its entirety, then you won’t be able to wait to rush out and get all subsequent Star Wars episodes. Third: check out your local comic convention. You don’t have to dress up, but you know you want to! There is no shame in wearing tights! Superman did. That will be good for a start. If you have your own suggestions, comment here. That is all: live long and prosper. Na-noo, na-noo.

Neil and Nathan

Quick post… I just watched the People’s Choice Awards. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised that the people I voted for actually won. I am usually disappointed in what the general population decides is, well, popular. Two of my favorite actors were recognized. Neil Patrick Harris won obviously because he is the epitome of awesomeness. Not only do I love the characters he portrays going way back to the Doogie days, the one episode of Quantum Leap, made for tv movies, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog (<— highlight here… Watch it immediately if have not yet… Available on Netflix, DVD, and even blu-ray), HIMYM (favorite comedy), and on and on, but I truly admire him as a person (Your family is precious, NPH!!) Ok, enough gushing for Neil. On to gushing for my other favorite: Nathan Fillion! Dashing and cheesy never lived so well together as in this one man. Most men can’t pull off the Vegas Elvis look, but Nathan can just about get away with anything. With an unyielding sense of humor and a kindness that radiates from every pore, he is very deserving of the prize awarded him tonight! Congratulations to both of you, though you may never see it.


Please bring back Firefly… That is all. Carry on!